Writing Homework Help

Coca Cola Company Forecasting Methodology & Stock Market Prediction Essay


1. Select an organization and output of your choosing. This should be either a service provider or a manufacturing facility. The service provided or item manufactured should be of one item. You may choose a company that produces multiple items but then select one item. Examples might include park attendance at Disney World, vehicles made by Hyundai, etc. I am not looking for groceries at Walmart, clothes at the Birmingham Mall and similar. It should be a specific organization and a specific good or service produced by them.

2. Do a little research to find out approximate numbers produced, sold, etc. and then specify these numbers within a timeline. You should be comparing at least 2-3 numbers on similar timelines. e.g. X /June, Y/July Z/ August; X/2018, Y/2019, Z/2020. The timelines need to be comparable to each other. If you cannot find exact numbers, you may use approximate numbers, but state that they are approximate and build an argument as to why they are likely correct. You may need to change organizations if you cannot find any numbers.

3. Suggest one methodology that could be used to build a forecast for the company and item that you selected. Build an argument as to why that method is best for the situation. State pros and cons of the forecast method.

The purpose of this assignment is to help you make application of forecasting in a real-world environment. I am allowing you to choose your own company and output so that you can pursue something of your own interests.