Writing Homework Help

The Most Impactful Artifact from Popular Culture Is Legos Discussion


I’m working on a writing discussion question and need support to help me learn.

Please think of  a popular culture artifact that has had a formative impact on your sense of self or your identity (it could be a toy, a movie, a musical form, a book, a video-game, a song, an item of clothing, a particular hair style, and so on) and write a paragraph where you—

(a) discuss this popular culture example by explaining why it is/was significant for you and  (related to reading)

(b) explicitly connect it to an idea or a theme in a quote from the reading you will be discussing in the Main Session for Module 8. For ideas about themes in the readings for this week, please review the document linked above. Please make sure to introduce, cite, and explain the quote you have chosen and then say why this quote is relevant to the popular culture artifact you discussed for (a).