Writing Homework Help

SDSU Womens Desk Against Domestic Violence Discussion


1)Describe current interventions within your community for criminal justice/community violence problem. Discuss what demographics are associated with the problem.

*.*Use the GCU Library for sources (https://library.gcu.edu/

***Bachman, R. D., & Schutt, R. K. (2018). The practice of research in criminology and criminal justice (7th ed.). SAGE Publications.

The DQ response must be at least 200 words and should have at least one reference in APA format

2) Write a 100-word response to each student in first person as if you were writing it to the students. Talk about how you agree with their ideas and add your own thoughts. Make sure it’s respectful.

Community violence intervention programs typically focus on helping to reduce violent crimes in the communities. In one article I read, the study’s goal was to determine whether a community-informed and culturally sensitive relationship violence intervention program can reduce criminal reoffending for individuals residing in high-stress urban contexts. The results indicate that a community-informed and culturally sensitive intervention for offenders living in high-stress urban contexts significantly impacts the rate of overall criminal reoffending during the year after program enrollment (Murphy et al., 2021). Law enforcement agencies interested in controlling violence should consider implementing problem-oriented policing programs that focus on where violence clusters by developing tailored interventions addressing the underlying conditions and dynamics that give rise to violent situations (Bachman & Schutt, 2018). We have programs like “Text to protect,” “Cookout with Cops,” “Coffee with the Chief,” and other community policing events in my community. We try to foster a spirit of transparency with our community to help them trust the police and report crimes. As far as the demographics, the “Cookout with Cops” seemed to be more for lower-income or lower socioeconomic class; however, it was open to everyone. As a police officer myself, I like to do a lot of community policing in the city businesses and be very present at events. I want to help be a familiar face and encourage people to talk to me about community issues. Our department is very community-oriented and has zero-tolerance for crime, but we are also very professional and use our discretion when it comes to arresting, tickets, etc. For example, if I think a traffic warning will correct the behavior and help that person trust me more, I will issue a warning instead of a traffic ticket.


Bachman, R. D., & Schutt, R. K. (2018). The practice of research in criminology and criminal justice (7th ed.). SAGE Publications.

Murphy, C. M., Richards, T. N., Nitsch, L. J., Green-Manning, A., Brokmeier, A. M., LaMotte, A. D., & Holliday, C. N. (2021). Community-informed relationship violence intervention in a high-stress, low-income urban context. Psychology of Violence, 11(6), 509–518.