Writing Homework Help

Dyersburg State Community College Settlement of The West Discussion


I’m working on a history discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

After reading Chapter 17 in your textbook, and viewing the information and videos in the links found in this week’s course content, you are to develop a discussion post describing how, if you could go back in time, you would have lived during the settlement of the West.  You are not limited to the information found in your textbook and in the course content, and you may, if you wish, find information online. If you do, however, use sources other than those provided in the course content, you must include the correct citations for those sources.

In you discussion post, please respond to the following:

You should choose a life, or a persona if you will, from the settlement of the west, then describe your life as you lived out West.  Were you a miner, a cowboy perhaps, or maybe a homesteader?  Perhaps you opened a store or were a saloon keeper?

Give a description of your typical day during this time in our history!