Writing Homework Help

San Jose State University Business Ethics Cases Studies Essays


Use the 4 scenarios I give you to write 4 short cases studies essays. (750 words for each)

Business Scenarios

1. Receiving a Holiday Gift: A supplier sends a basket of expensive foodstuffs to your home at Christmas with a card: “We hope you and your family enjoy the ‘goodies.'”. What action(s) might you want to take?

2. More Competition: You are in a head-to-head battle with your arch competitor, Evil Enterprises. One of your co-workers approaches you. He has recently joined your company after having worked for a second competitor for several years. He suggests, “I made notes on all of Evil’s bids when I could get the data. They use some clear cost standards. Would you like me to bring my notes to the office tomorrow and let you look through them?” How do you respond? Jim Balassone is executive-in-residence at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics.


John McBain and James BalassoneAll employees are expected to act according to their organization’s Code of Ethics or Conduct, based upon the values of the organization.

Furthermore, product safety engineers are asked to:

(a) Determine the “safety” of products(b) Obtain various non-governmental agency certifications for products(c) Confirm that products comply with government regulations (d) Examine and test products according to various standards. They are required to do this using the minimum time, money, and number of product samples – usually at the end of the product development process, when changes are more difficult and everyone wants to ship products.

1. Some agencies authorize companies to test products, provide the data to the agency, and ship the product bearing the agency mark. The company’s capability has been evaluated by the agency and a contract signed to allow this.

A new high-end computer is ready to ship – except for one test that you will not complete for another three weeks. The probability of failure is low – and even if the test fails, corrections can be made and sent out later to customers. Marketing is VERY anxious to ship because the end of the fiscal quarter is next week.

Should you put on the agency mark and ship while finishing the test? Your boss tells you that this has occurred before; the company shipped the product, and there was no problem. He also says that if you do not want to sign off, then he will do so.

What should you do? Products were shipped before this test was completed – but it happened when you were on a business trip. The production manager apologizes but doesn’t want to take any action.

2. Your company’s product uses some supplementary circuit protection in larger units. While visiting the factory for another reason, you tour the production line and notice that the protectors are different from the ones you originally evaluated. They seem to have the same ratings, but you suspect they may not be suitable as a substitute.

This product is not your responsibility, and you would have to do some research to figure out if there is a problem.

What course(s) of action should you take to investigate the potential problem? The production line supervisor tells you the substitution has been approved by the factory safety engineer, but you are positive these protectors are not suitable.

What should or could you do?

A Guide to Case Study Write Ups.

Think of a case study write up as a formal document where your goal is to do the following:

1.) Identify a moral question/issue that is present in a fact pattern (a series of facts about what happened or will happen).

2.) Provide an answer to the moral question, by offering a moral argument. A moral argument contains a moral principle and facts and draws a moral conclusion that is supported by the principle and the facts.

3.) Offer a set of considerations against your conclusion. These considerations are so to speak what people who don’t agree with your conclusion might challenge you to respond to.

4.) Offer a set of responses to the considerations / objections to your answer.

A case study write up also has the following features.

1.) It cites sources that are used in the case study write up, most importantly it cites the article from which the case study write up was derived, but also it can cite additional sources that you use to make your argument. You can use MLA format for citations.

2.) It is well written, divided into at least four paragraphs, one for each of the mains sections 1-4 discussed above.

3.) It aims to be an objective defense of an answer to a moral question via an argument. Your goal is to provide an argument and offer responses to the most challenging objections. You don’t need to concern yourself with whether you win the debate. Rather, you need to concern yourself with whether you believe the answer you are giving and the reasoning that goes into it. Reflect on the problem, and give your authentic answer that you believe to be correct.