Writing Homework Help
UCSD Buddhism and Religion Essay
There is a story of a Buddhist monk who was on a ship with a maniac who was killing everyone on board. The monk eventually decided to kill the man in order to prevent further harm of others on board. Do you think this conforms with the principles set out in Buddhism? Why or why not? How do you think karma and compassion come into play in this story?
Mini Essays: Throughout the semester, you will be responsible for completing short essays of approximately 500 words (about 2 pages double spaced). For each essay, you will be given a fairly general prompt for you to base your essay, with the intention that you will find a more specific thread tailored to your own interests to fit within the theme of the prompt. The prompts will be posted for each week on the corresponding module on Canvas. This is also where you will submit your essays. You will only be required to submit 4 mini essays total for the semester, each due on a specified date found on the course outline, found at the end of this syllabus. The essay prompts can be found on the assignment description found on canvas. I suggest you look at the prompts well before the due date in order to give them proper consideration and conduct research.
In your essays, I would like you to use at least two different peer reviewed sources to help substantiate your points. One of the sources should come from one of the assigned readings, and I would like at least one other source to come from outside our course texts. There are some great resources out there to help you find appropriate peer reviewed source material. One place to find some good journal articles is JSTOR (www.jstor.org).
When providing these sources, you must use the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS or Chicago Style). I will provide a useful guide on Canvas for those of you who are unfamiliar with this style of referencing.Your essays will be graded on the following criteria:a)evidence that the factual material called for in the question is presented and documented; b)coherence of the essay in organization and structure; c)ability to engage critically and analytically with the topicd)evidence of creative thinking; e)correct annotation of sources and presentation of bibliography; f)correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Please discuss the following prompt:
1- EngagementThis judges your ability to answer the prompt. It not only includes content but also ensures you adhere to the length requirements
2- This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeKnowledgeThis judges your ability to understand the greater issues at play within the prompt. It not only includes understanding, but also examines how these themes relate to larger themes in the class or in the world.
3-This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical AnalysisThis judges your ability to critically analyze the issues in a meaningful way. It shows your ability to think for yourself, and support your claims with evidence.
4- ResearchThis judges your ability to research your material. You should have at least one external peer reviewed source, and one text we have used for class
5- Structure/Flow/GrammarThis judges your ability to organize your thoughts in your essay in a clear and well structured manner. It also demonstrates a writing style that complements the information you are trying to portray.
6- CitationThis judges your ability to properly cite your research and resources. I require the use of Chicago (CMS) style. I have provided a resource through my writing tip about how to use the style of citation.