Writing Homework Help

University of California LA Representation of Women in Armenian Literature Essay


Write a paper of about seven pages double spaced.

Topic: Discuss the range of ways in which women are represented in Armenian literature from the eighteenth to twentieth centuries. To what extent do you perceive a significant change in their social role and status during this period. Illustrate your argument by focusing on THREE of the works we have read.

The three reading that needs to be used are

Armenissa: Krikor Zohrab (reader pages 96-102) → 19th century

The Bride (reader page 207-232); analysis Week 5 → 20th century

Raffi “The Fool” (reader pages 143-151); Week 5 “Raffi The Fool Interpretation”


this is the l o g i n info for the book

email: n r a f a e l i @ u c l a . e d u

pass: n A n 9 9 ! 0 1 9 9