Writing Homework Help

COM 223 AU Wk 2 Persuasion in Communication Elevator Pitch Discussion


Week 2 – Discussion 1

Elevator Speech

An elevator speech is an excellent way to convey your skills while networking and seeking employment. Typically, an elevator speech is a one-minute summary of who you are, why you are qualified, and what you have to offer the organization or industry. A brief sales pitch will ensure that you are prepared to discuss your career goals whenever the opportunity presents itself. Some examples of where you could use your elevator speech are at a networking event, during a job interview, or in a social setting.

Review the How to Craft an Elevator Pitch (Links to an external site.) infographic and write a script for a 1-minute sales pitch that is tailored toward your chosen career path. Please include this script or detailed outline in your initial discussion post. Then, use one of the following recording options to record your elevator speech and share it with your classmates by posting the link in your discussion post.

Once you have completed your recording, share your pitch with the class by copying and pasting the link of your recording into the body of your initial post. If you are having trouble recording your elevator speech, the this tutorial (Links to an external site.) will provide some advice for recording in YouTube, and the Voki: Getting Started Guide (Links to an external site.) will is a text-based reference document. You can also review the Official Voki Tutorial: How to Create and Publish Your Voki (Links to an external site.) video on using Voki.

Example Elevator Speech

Hi, my name is John and I am a student at University of Arizona Global Campus completing my Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Management. For the past five years, I have worked in a leadership role in the food service industry, where I was able to reduce costs and increase revenues. I am seeking to increase my management responsibilities and move into a district manager role where I can help improve company productivity and increase profitability.