Writing Homework Help

Case Western Reserve University Genuine Inquiry Research Essay


“It is error only and not truth that shrinks from inquiry.” 

Thomas Paine

Genuine Inquiry/ Research Essay 

Rough Draft for Conference Nov. 22-23, 2021 (via Zoom or socially distant, Flagler Hall) signup for day/time

Rough Draft for Peer Review in class (on time) Monday, Nov. 29, 2021 

Final Draft to Canvas by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 3, 2021

Finish What You Started

We have read much. Through written and verbal discussions, you responded to critical essays on topics ranging from the “Disney Spell” to the role of the storyteller, to gender, to the idea of childhood, to issues with translation, to the history of the Grimms, and even how-to and the ethics of modernizing older stories. Your final essay can expand on the ideas and discussions begun throughout the semester. Or, develop a new line of inquiry.

Think back to the beginning of the course when I asked you to email me about what you wanted to learn about Fairy Tales. Have you answered your own question yet?

Alternatively, consider one of the stories, essays, or discussions that really caught your interest and made you want to know more.

Use your inquiry as a starting point for the essay—not knowing the answer yet will become your research question/thesis. This is scholarly research (dig for what you want to know). Follow your curiosity.

Assignment: Using genuine inquiry—meaning you don’t already have a position or know the answer when you begin—research and write an essay that makes a scholarly argument. You can use any of the themes, quotes, or ideas presented in one of the fairy tales or critical essays in the textbook or class discussions:

Decide which idea, critical essay, or fairy tale you wish to respond to, and engage in pre-reflection about why that holds your interest before you begin your research;

Develop and revise a research question;

Participate in genuine research—don’t be afraid of not knowing the answer when you begin the essay;

See what other scholars have to say on the matter—and agree or disagree with their reasoning (use, cite, and include in a works cited, at least two relevant, scholarly sources in addition to the textbook/story);

Make sure your own logic is sound; and

You are allowed to choose the story used for your discussion lead, but not for the interpretation essay.

NOTE: The story or stories you include are not counted as a scholarly source, but must be included in your works cited & in-text citations.

Your essay will offer an original idea or thesis (you came up with it) that is fully supported by evidence from the stories/essays and use two other relevant, scholarly sources that you both quote and respond to. (Remember we’ve practiced this all semester—agree/disagree/I have a question and class discussions.)

You have already done every part of this, so now give your ideas a more formal shape and voice.

Aim for approximately 1200 words.


Brief, specific summary of any story/main essay to give the reader context (maximum of two sentences).

  • Clear, strong opinion (what do you think?).
  • Clear, relevant support (one or a few specific elementsthat support your main idea).
  • Correct and ethical incorporation of quoted material (inclusion, punctuation, & in-text citations) Note: quoted material should be less than 20% of any essay—its only purpose is to support your ideas. Your voice needs to be the strongest voice.
  • MLA or APA (you can choose what you know best or will need to know for your discipline—but be consistent).

Correct Works Cited (relevant sources, full citations).

Elements of Essay

  • Assessment Criteria
  • Content/Organization
  • Is my paper well-defined, showing insightful analysis and interpretation? Does the format & structure of my essay work with my main idea? Balanced introduction and conclusion? Graceful and effective transitions?


Does my writing include compelling word choice, demonstrating insightful use of figurative language?

Sentence Structure

Are my sentences carefully formed and positioned with attention to emphasis, rhythm, and pace to engage the reader?

Grammar and Mechanics

Does my writing demonstrate a mastery of grammar, creating compelling prose, with few to no errors?

Research and Documentation