Writing Homework Help

Pierce College Albert Camus the Stranger & the Human Condition Essay


As you read The Stranger by Albert Camus,
you are taking notes through a chosen critical lens. For your final project,
you will write an engaging opinion essay arguing for a meaning or element
of the Stranger through that lens. You will also choose an art piece (visual,
music, film, performance) inspired by The Stranger that will support your
argument about the book’s major themes, meanings, or techniques.
The question: According to your critical study, what major message is The
Stranger telling readers about life and the human condition? How does
Albert Camus craft a novel that demonstrates this theme?
Paragraph breakdown:
1. Introduction: (can be 1-2 paragraphs)
a. Share an anecdote that relates to your chosen theme, message, or critical lens. This can
be a story from your own life, from your experience reading and researching this book, or
from the news/greater world.
b. Introduce the novel, your critical lens and the theme you will be focusing on. Your thesis
should be at the end of this paragraph.
2. Support #1 (+two [2] quotations)
3. Support #2 (+two [2] quotations)
4. Identify an art piece (visual, music, film, performance) that interprets The Stranger**. How does
the work demonstrate your theme? (1-2 paragraphs)
a. How does the art piece further demonstrate the theme from The Stranger? How does the
media change the message? How does the audience differ between the novel and your
chosen art piece? Do artistic interpretations enrich or water-down thematic aspects of
5. Conclusion
a. Tie your ideas back to the introduction and discuss the meaning of the theme/lens in the
greater world
b. Reflect on your experience reading The Stranger and how it has changed you as a writer
or a person.