Writing Homework Help

HBS Walmart Strategy & Impact of Philip Morris Company on Industry Case Study


case 1 

Answer questions in paragraph format:

1. What is Walmart’s overall strategy?

2. In comparison to Walmart’s competitors, why is Walmart so successful?

case 2

Anwer in paragraph format:

What is the impact that Phillip Morris Company effect the industry?

In the meantime can you reply to this one A marvel case post:

1 Marval understood that it was pivotal for its success to attract and retain noncustomers, or those that were not already bought into the Marval universe. One way that they attracted noncustomers was by developing storylines that were not premised around superheros, but rather creating dramas that intertwined character’s with real life problems that happened to be a superhero as well. The story lines focus on dramatic plots, often telling love stories, that even the noncustomers could enjoy and be compelled enough to watch. The noncustomers that they were targeting were the masses, and they have successfully tapped into that through their creative differentiation and blue ocean strategy.

2. Competive strategy is not a great explanation for the success of Marvel. The reason being that Marval took a completely new approach in the superhero entertainment segment of the entertainment industry. For instance, Marval was not competing with DC in terms of their storylines, superheros, or even target audience. Instead, Marval was pathfinding new areas in this industry that attracted a completely new set of customers. Instead of copying the successful formula that DC had created, Marval found a way to tap into the everyday themes and motifs of life, and integrate it in especially dramatic and action-filled movies that captivated the hearts and attention of a majority of movie-goers.