Writing Homework Help

Cuyamaca College Creationism Video Analysis Review


Reading or Video Critique

This assignment requires you to choose a video or article that has something to do with the subject of origins (you may use any of the videos or reading in this course or choose another) and complete the following:

This assignment has three parts:

Objective Description/Summary

By “objective,” I mean without bias or presuppositions, there should be no “I feel,” or “I think” statements in this part of your paper. This will give you the opportunity of applying some of the skills required for using the scientific method. Give an overview, which describes the major points of the video being critiqued. The more details you give the more points you will receive.

Objective Critique:

In written form, give five (5) pros and five cons concerning the content of the video. These pros and cons should be agreed upon by people who agree with or disagree with the information being presented.

Subjective Conclusion:

This is where you get to tell me how you really feel or how this assignment affected you or your thinking. Give a detailed response and don’t get skimpy on the conclusion.