Writing Homework Help

Florida Institute of Technology Good Country People Discussion


Text : https://repositorio.ufsc.br/bitstream/handle/123456789/163600/Good%20Country%20People%20-%20Flannery%20O%27Connor.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y (Links to an external site.)


1.What statement is O’Connor trying to make by having Manley hide sexual items behind the cover of a Bible?

2.The point is, that nobody likes having salt rubbed into their wounds . . .even if it is the salt of the earth.” How does this quote relate to O’Connor’s message in the story?

3.Analyze the relationship between Mrs. Hopewell and Joy. How does this relationship contribute to Joy’s view of life and herself?

4.What does the term “good country people” mean to each character? How does this show their true character?

5.Is O’Connor trying to make a point about formal education through this story? Explain your thoughts by using support from the text.

6.What’s the connection between Manley and Hulga’s aethism and their heart conditions? Is O’Connor making a religious statement here?

7.What are your impressions of good country people?

8.What does Hulga learn about herself and other people through her encounter with the Bible salesman?

9.Which, if any, of the characters does O’Connor seem to admire? Which of the characters does she satirize? Does she feel sympathy for any character?

10.Which, if any, of the characters does O’Connor seem to admire? Which of the characters does she satirize?

11.Which, if any, of the characters does O’Connor seem to admire? Which of the characters does she satirize?

12.How does Hulga’s physical deformity mirror her inner problems?

  • Describe O’Connor’s style and tone. How does her diction contribute to these devices?
  • Are there any stereotypical characters in the story? Explain.
  • Discuss examples of irony in the story.