Writing Homework Help

ENG 102 Hudson County Community College Articles Discussion


1- The article has many interesting points but it lacks to actually reach everyone as a whole as it only speaks to conservatives who already have a strong belief against same-sex marriages. I have always thought that there should always be a separation from church and state. The First Amendment has clauses that does not allow the government to interfere with ones right to practice whichever religion one chooses. I just never seemed to understand how although the government can not control how religion is practiced, religion can control what affects our policies. I for one believe neither one should control the other one as they both are two completely different entities. Many policies are affected on what the bible says but it also speaks of acceptance and judgement on others. Who are we to make decisions on other peoples lives? Who are we to pass judgement on others based on what they chose to do in their lives? Despite it actually speaking on what the bible believes it lacks statistics on how many people actually agree.

2-The article “Journalists Need to Stick Together and Back Each Other Up” was written by Ann Cooper and published on The New York Times on January 19, 2017. The article was written after Donald Trump was being selective on which journalist he would answer questions for. He would not answer questions for any journalist that worked for a news organization that would write bad articles about him.

The president’s actions are what motivated Ann Cooper to write this article; In the article she mentioned Shepard Smith of Fox News, who said “that no journalist should be subjected to belittling and delegitimizing by the president-elect of the United States”. Shepard Smith was referring to Donald Trump’s press conference attack on a CNN reporter, after the channel published a report about the intelligence dossier on Trump and Russia. Ann then went on writing about how there are many journalist that are rivals that would criticize one another. She was against this, as she stated in the article, “You’re all in this together. If you don’t support each other, if you don’t defend each other against attacks, you make all journalists more vulnerable to the politicians who would silence dissent and shut down investigative reporting. It’s a lesson American journalists will learn the hard way if they do not remain unified in this new Age of Trump.” I agree with her, they do need to work together to stop Trump and his disrespectful ways, and get him to respect all journalist and treated them all fairly. Even though through out his entire presidency, he never respected anyone, media, journalist, colleagues, etc. But if all journalist stick together, they can show future politicians that Journalist needs to be treated with respect and not belittled. In the article, she mentioned what a Columbia Journalism Review writer suggested: “picked up the CNN reporter’s line of questioning, or even refused to continue asking questions, until the president-elect acknowledged” a question from CNN?

As Ann wrote in the last sentence of the article, “When Trump attacks one, he attacks us all.”