Writing Homework Help

NDSU Integrating Disability Feminist Theory Discussion


I’m trying to study for my Article Writing course and I need some help to understand this question.

article “Integrating Disability, Transforming Feminist Theory”(2002). The
titular phrase “Integrating Race”is not intended to suggest that feminist
disability studies scholars have never considered race but rather that race has

not been integral to the field’s citational practices and that the marginaliza-
tion of racial analysis has shaped feminist disability studies’approaches.4 Fur-
ther, integrating race does not mean merely including more feminist disability

scholars of color like ourselves or focusing more feminist disability scholarship
on racialized populations. Rather, it involves changing the citational politics
of the field so that feminist-of-color and critical race theories inform work in
feminist disability studies as a whole even when people of color are absent as
sites of analysis or as scholars theorizing from identity or experience. Toward
this aim, this article maps out an initial overview for a feminist-of-color dis-

ability studies, providing more breadth than depth in our examples.
In addition, this article focuses on a predominantly US context. We ac-
knowledge that this is a limit of this initial theorization of our framework

and look forward to being in conversation with others on how transnational

perspective can further complicate the ideas we set forth here.5 We encour-
age readers to explore our epigrams, citations, and footnotes and use them
as seeds for future scholarship. This is merely the beginning, we hope, of a

robust intellectual conversation