Writing Homework Help

HIS 103 National Louis University Maya Ancient Civilization Discussion


As societies developed settled agriculture, large and complex civilizations were able to develop thanks to a surplus of food. This surplus enabled civilizations to remain in one location from one generation to the next and gave people the stability needed to build the infrastructure we associate with many of today’s modern societies: government, education, specialized professions, religious systems, the arts, and differentiated social/economic classes. In this discussion, you’ll identify and discuss features of complex civilizations.

  1. Think of one ancient advanced civilization.
  2. Choose any four of the following features of your selected civilization.
    • Settled Agriculture
    • Urbanization/Cities
    • Art & Architectural Design
    • Writing & Literature
    • Trade
    • Established Government
    • Religious Systems
    • Social Structure/Social Classes
    • Job Specialization
  3. For each of your chosen four features:
    • Provide a general description or definition of the feature.
    • Provide a specific historical example from Acrobatiq or another scholarly resource. Include citations, links, or media to help the audience visualize your example.