Writing Homework Help

UCF AVS4304 Security Effectiveness in Aviation Case Study


i need a case study from chapter one(Overview of the aviation industry and security in the post 911 world). of the book Practical Aviation Security.

the case study should follow the same format and explanation that i provided in the files. should involve The introduction should set the stage, establish the environment, set out the nature of the problem. Establish the context within which your problem exists. It is as if you are introducing someone (i.e., who are they, where do they live, what is their profession, why are they here, when did they arrive, etc.).

You must have in-text citation to substantiate your introduction.

You must identify and isolate just one problem. Then, identify those conditions and/or factors that caused or contributed to the problem? Your problem statement is the common thread that you weave throughout your analysis, everything must be connected/related to your problem. Begin your problem statement with “The problem is….” You should have three to five factors that contributed to or caused your problem. Be concise, three to five sentences are adequate.

You must have in-text citation to substantiate your problem statement.

The significance of the problem is the result of the problem not being solved. Indicate what will happen if your problem is not corrected or properly addressed. This is your opportunity to tell management they need to do dedicate appropriate resources to fix or mitigate the problem. Be concise, three to five sentences are adequate.

You must have in-text citation to substantiate the significance of your problem.

Alternative actions are corrective actions derived from the textbook, magazine/journal articles, and/or other sources you use. You need two alternative actions, each much have reason or rationale, include two advantages and two disadvantages.

You must have in-text citation to substantiate your alternative actions.

please use Table 1 is provided in the files for this paragraph (Alternative actions ) as an

The recommendation must be separate and distinctly different than either alternative action. You should consider what you would do to correct the problem if you had unlimited resources. The recommendation must have reason or rationale, one advantage and one disadvantage.

In-text citation may be used to substantiate your recommendation.

A reference list (in accordance with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association) must be compiled based solely upon the sources you used to substantiate your analyses.

2 sources needed. one of the sources must be the book Practical Aviation Security.