Writing Homework Help

De Anza College Reading Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison Summary


TASK 1 after 10 hours

PARAGRAPH 1: For your first paragraph, you will summarize your chosen text. A strong plot summary will include:

  • The author and title of the story
  • When and where the story takes place
  • The main characters and their characteristics
  • The plot/main challenge/conflict
  • The main events
  • The outcome

PARAGRAPH 2 & 3: For your 2nd and 3rd paragraphs, write a critical, analytical, or personal response to the text you just summarized in paragraph 1. In these paragraphs, consider trying out some of the analytical moves (i.e. the templates) provided below. Notice what the templates do to your writing and how they help move your thinking along.

TASK 2 watching history movie after 1day

Movie: Russian revolution

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjcT8ucTmNs (Links to an external site.)

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1.Movie Topic: Write notes on events and people of the Russian Revolution.

2. Map 3 Mcs

TASK 3 AFTER 2 days

Bluest Eye , Mcs