Writing Homework Help

Nazi Ideas or Actions Coercion and Consent Questions


MO1: Explain why, to what extent, and in what ways “ordinary” Germans supported the ideals of the Nazi Party and Adolf Hitler. (CO2, CO3, CO5)

In the readings and module notes for this week, we explored the question of German support for the Nazi regime and its goals.While the Nazis claimed that all Germans were united in a single national will and that all belonged to a single “national community,” the truth was often more complicated.in 250 words, consider the following questions as jumping-off points for your post (you do not need to address each one individually). Your post should include specific examples and references from the assigned readings.

  • How unified was Germany in its support of Hitler and the Nazi Party?

Were there some Nazi ideas or actions that enjoyed more / less support than others? If so, what were they?

  • Why did Germans support (or not support) the regime? What factors made them more or less likely to be supporters?
  • In what ways did Germans show their support for or their opposition to the regime?