Writing Homework Help

USC Home and Community Based Services for Mental Illnesses Patients Discussion


I’m working on a social science discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Use section 1.1 and 1.2 of the DPP template and the DPP example to address the following:

Section 1.1

In outline or paragraph format, state the topic of your capstone project . This section should include:

  • FIRST PARAGRAPH: State the topic of your capstone project. The topic should include the problem or opportunity for improvement in the project. The concepts of the topic must be clear, focused, and well-supported in the literature.
    • Begin this paragraph with “The topic is…”
  • SECOND PARAGRAPH: Describe the significance of this topic to Human Services AND the specialization within your program. Include a statement about the practical implications of the project by describing the impact of this capstone project on the organization or community of interest.
    • Example: ”The topic of this capstone project is the effectiveness of a transitional summer program, Helping Others, Inc., on middle school students’ chance of success (graduation) in high school.

Use current, scholarly, primary resources to support statements. Textbooks are not primary resources. Theses and dissertations are not considered peer-reviewed, published articles. Use current APA style in citing all resources.

Section 1.2

Write a brief (two paragraph) statement that fully describes the problem being addressed in the capstone project in outline or paragraph described below. The problem to be addressed should be explicitly stated, not implied. Existing literature and key findings should be summarized and used to support your rationale. Use at least five citations to support the assertions made:

  • First paragraph or section of the outline: Write a brief statement that fully describes the problem being addressed. This paragraph introduces the problem that is informing the research and warrants the need for this study.
    • Example: “The problem is that Helping Others, Inc.’s transitional summer program has not consistently improved high school graduation rates.”
  • Second paragraph or section of the outline: Identify the need for the study (which is related directly to the problem presented in the first paragraph). It must clearly identify a gap in current practice, service, process, policy or programs. It must clearly identify the need for the research and the desired outcome.
    • Example: “This study is needed because high school graduation rates are decreasing in the service community where Helping Others, Inc., provides its transitional summer program. Decreased graduation rates have negatively affected the unemployment rate in the area.”