Writing Homework Help

LAMC Special Olympics & Best Buddies Positive and Progressive Future Discussion


I’m working on a writing multi-part question and need guidance to help me learn.

DISCUSSION on special education

As you have seen from the historical timeline I presented in lecture, we have come a long way from the days of the Eugenics Movement as it pertains to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Still, we have much work to do if people with IDD are to achieve full and complete equality and acceptance.

(1) Spend some time perusing the Special Olympics website: https://www.specialolympics.org/ (Links to an external site.)

(2) Watch the TED Talk called Special Olympics let me be myself. Link here: Special Olympics let me be myself — a champion | Matthew Williams (Links to an external site.)

Special Olympics let me be myself — a champion | Matthew Williams
(3) Spend some time visiting the Best Buddies website: https://www.bestbuddies.org/ (Links to an external site.)

(4) Read about the Spread the Word to End the Word mission: https://www.spreadtheword.global/ (Links to an external site.)

Then answer the following questions:

  1. How specifically, are organizations like Best Buddies and Special Olympics moving in the direction for acceptance and full inclusion of people with IDD? Give several examples.
  2. Reflect: what’s one aspect from EACH link above that resonated with you and why:
    1. Matthew’s poignant and personal message
    2. Anthony Shriver’s mission to establish a global volunteer movement for friendships, employment, leadership, and inclusive living for people with IDD with Best Buddies
    3. A campaign to raise awareness of the hurtful effects of the word “retard(ed)” and encourage people to pledge to stop using it (see spreadthewordtoendtheword website), and the work of Special Olympics.
  3. What has your experience been with people with IDD, (if any). Can you describe any examples of: (a) acceptance and inclusion of this person/this group of individuals? Have you also seen: (b) discrimination based on disability status, whether obvious or subtle? If not in your personal life, where have you read about or seen (perhaps in a documentary, movie, social/mass media) the discrimination and/or acceptance of people with IDD?
  4. According to Chief Executive of Special Olympics, Tim Shriver, “every day our community hears this word – in schools and workplaces, in print and in movies, on radio and television. And every day they suffer its dehumanizing effects – mockery, stigma, ridicule. This is a word that is incredibly damaging – not only to the seven million people with intellectual disabilities in the United States, but also their friends, family and to all of us.” (Shriver, Feb 4th, 2010).

    Listen for a few days to those around you – your friends, family, neighbors, influencers you follow on social media, in music, in and around your work (if you work) and your community (as much as you can in these socially distancing days). Have you now or in the past, recalled hearing people use the “R” word? If so, what has your reaction been? Have you ever called anyone out on their use of the word? How do we start to change the behavior of those who use it? What are your thoughts about the use and are we heading in the right direction with pledge movements like this? https://www.spreadtheword.global/pledge