Writing Homework Help

Week 5 Importance of the Edit Process in the Writing Process Discussion


  • In addition, since you are going to be working on revising your outlines to write your final proposals, what do you think about revision? The novelist, John Irving said, “Half my life is an act of revision.”
  • How much revision do you use in your communication? Consider the “Ten Principles of Power Editing” found in Chapter 5.
  • Which ones do you use and why are they helpful to you? Why?
  • How will you revise your outline to write your full plan?

Hello all,

Seeing that we are halfway through the class, I have learned about how to communicate more effectively and clarity. I really never looked at my writing in the professional manner and being in this class makes me want to be a better writer and communicator. I write a good amount of emails as well as blog. This course has made me want to expand my vocabulary and improve on my communication skills. After reading chapter 5 in the text, the top tips from The Ten Principles of Power Editing that I use is 7, us the Read-Aloud Test and use Wording Tools. I find these to be the most effective for me when it comes to making sure my writing makes sense. I used to not do as much revision to my writing but now I will be sure to make that an important part of my communications process. How I will revise my outline is by using the print out and red pen method. I would like for my mini TedTalk to be consise and flow. I believe reading it out loud and using the red pen to fix any errors would help make my talk more effective