Writing Homework Help

NYU The Author Underwent Numerous Trials and Tribulations Discussion


1. Read and discuss the excerpt, and generate a list of possible themes.

What is this type of data? 

What type of analysis would you select? 

How would you / did you focus your analysis? 

2. Give an example of when a qualitative methodology would be more appropriate than a quantitative design and justify your answer.

In your response, identify a potential research issue or concern (e.g ethics)

3.Write comments

“Hello, everyone,

From my perspective, the academic research method can be divided into two experiments, one is qualitative experiment, the other is quantitative experiment. Using quantitative design, if the researchers want to confirm or test a theory or hypothesis; however, using the qualitative methodology, if the researchers want to understand a concept, thoughts, or open-ended question. Due to equipment and conditions, there will be mirror errors in quantitative methodology. But for qualitative experiment, there is not existed the case of error. Also, for every single experiment, researchers can either use qualitative or quantitative methodology, the way they are choosing is depending on the research question, whether it is experimental, correlational, and so on. For example, cooling water, if the designer is to measure the freezing temperature, it is more appropriate using the quantitative design, and then they will have objective results with minor error for multiple experiments. But ifthe experiment is measured, it will cooling down the water and it will be freeze. Then people will get a definite conclusion, and it is more appropriate using qualitative methodology. 

Either qualitative or quantitative experiments, multiple experiments are required. However, the purpose of multiple experiments is different. In quantitative experiments, multiple experiments are used to reduce errors, but in qualitative methodology, the purpose of multiple experiments is Just remove the wrong experiments.”