Writing Homework Help

Pitt Community College Influence of School Curriculum on Student Performance Essay


This assignment contains two sections, each one concerning an area of education affected by education reform. I am not asking you to read the whole chapter, but two sections and then respond to questions that address the chapter objectives.

1. Read the section in chapter 12 entitled “Reform: Focus on Curriculum” on pages 408-412. (7th edition pages 424-430.) In at least three paragraphs, respond to the following questions:

  • How have curriculum and instruction been influenced by the focus on standards, testing and accountability?
  • Would you consider this a positive or negative effect on student learning?

2. Read the section, “Reform: Focus on Schools”, found on pages 413-420. (7th edition pages 431-438. Once you have read this section, respond to the following questions in at least 3 paragraphs:

  • Based on your reading, do you believe school choice will have a positive or negative effect on education? Give the rationale for your answer.
  • Should vouchers be made available to private religious schools? Why or why not?