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SHU Application of Four Theories of Justice on American and French Revolutions Essay


For this essay I want you to apply the four theories of justice we have learned about to the two historical episodes we have learned about. What would Liberalism, Republicanism, Conservatism and Socialism have to say about the American and French Revolutions? 

Now that topic is very broad so I want to focus it a bit. I want you to say at what point in each revolution each theory would say that the revolution went astray, or should have gone in another direction. To be clear this is about when the revolutionaries went too far, not the powers that were opposing the revolutions. So I don’t want to hear about ways King George III or King Louis XVI made mistakes. They are not revolutionaries.

So this will involve making eight applications of theory to history. Where did Liberalism say the American Revolution went wrong, or could have done better? Where did Liberalism say the French Revolution went wrong, or could have done better? Where did Republicanism say the American Revolution went wrong, or could have done better? And so on for each of the four theories for both revolutions.

And finally I want you to say where you personally think things went wrong, or could have gone better in each Revolution.