Writing Homework Help

ENG 101 ASU History of Underwear Has a Fascinating Back Story Proposal



select a person, event, invention, or phenomenon that has happened in our past (ancient or modern) that has largely gone under the radar or under-appreciated. You will narrate your findings to uncover their/its story with research. You will walk us through why you selected piece of evidence, what drew you to make conclusions, how your research ultimately shapes your thought process toward answering your question.

The Outline

Your Hidden History subject converted into a story: Tell me what your overall subject is and how your Hidden History highlights a detailed and nuanced angle.

Research question: Tell me what is driving your research and explain to me how this question in narrowed enough to be a story and not a topic.

Background/Why This Question is Important/Abstract (250 – 300 Words):  Consider this section as a key part to your presentation for our mock conference. If you had to intelligently and concisely explain your topic, how would you do it?

Most, importantly, answer the question: Why should we care?

Potential Resources: Describe to me who you are looking at, general themes, arguments you will embed, how relevant and widely discussed is your topic? (You do NOT need to outline specific sources. I just want you to brainstorm here)

Rhetorical Situation: who is the audience, what is the purpose, what is the subject matter, what is your impetus for researching this topic?