Writing Homework Help

University of California Irvine Jeanne Lewis at Staples Inc Case Study


Jeanne Lewis at Staples, Inc. Case Question

1) Consider the way in which Jeanne Lewis manages and leads. What are her strengths and weaknesses as manager and a leader? Be specific, referring to examples in the case and to concepts discussed in class and assigned articles. 

2) The case ends with Jeanne Lewis considering four options in the section titled “Getting Down to Work” (bullet-pointed at the bottom of page 12). Jeanne knows that she needs to prioritize among these decisions. Which of the four she should tackle first? You only need to discuss the option you choose. Think carefully about how you would support your decision by referring to class discussions and articles. In your answer you must also provide specific advice to Jeanne on how to proceed (e.g., what she should do, who she should talk to, what she should say, etc.).