Writing Homework Help

De Anza College Analyzing Public Health Narrative Argument Essay


I’m trying to learn for my English class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Narrative Argument Topic Outline and Strategies

It’s time to get started on choosing a topic for your Narrative Argument. Think about an event that introduced you to a larger social issue. Now ground it in an actual experience. What happened? This may have happened gradually or quickly, but be specific and anticipate the details and scenes that you will develop in your essay. You can list these scenes and include some of the sensory experiences that you recall, including things you saw, felt, tasted, smelled, and/or heard. Why did the experience change your perspective? How do you feel about this issue now, and how do your current feelings differ from those you experienced before the event? After answering these questions, prepare an outline for your Narrative Argument Essay.