Writing Homework Help

NSU Philosophy Carol Gilligan Ethics of Care Discussion


The purpose of this assignment is to explore how Carol Gilligan’s description of different gender-based psychologies appears in the philosophers we have read.

Begin by summarizing by summarizing Gilligan’s psychology, being sure to make explicit how she describes the different ways of thinking of men and women.

Then apply Gilligan’s concepts to the philosophies of Mill, Kant, and Aristotle.  Determine whether Gilligan’s concepts apply and whether each philosopher is closer what she describes as masculine or feminine.

Application of Gilligan:

If your application is at least 250 words and makes a good faith effort to explain how her thought applies to at least two of the following: Mill, Kant and Aristotle, this part will receive 20 points.

If your application is less than 250 words and/or fails to make a good faith effort to explain how her thought applies to Mill, Kant and Aristotle (for instance, does not make connections between Gilligan and the philosophers or does not deal with at least 2), this part will receive 10 points.