Writing Homework Help

SJSU Audience Project Rewriting article Discussion


  • Rewrite an article from EW for your sister who never watches TV


1. Find some writing that has an identifiable target audience or reader. This can be virtually anything (but it can’t be “Shitty First Drafts” since you already played with that in a prior assignment).

2. Choose a new target audience or reader for that writing. My sister

3. Rewrite the original piece of writing for the new audience/reader. As you write, keep your focus on your audience’s needs, attitudes, and knowledge.

4. Refine and revise the writing for the new audience/reader.

5. Write a note to your instructor explaining who the new audience/reader is and how you kept the audience/reader in mind while writing. Be specific and use examples from what you wrote.

6. Turn in the following to Canvas in this assignment space (Word doc or PDF):

  • A link, attachment, or picture of the original piece of writing that you are rewriting
  • Your rewritten piece of writing (at least 350 words)
  • A note (at least 250 words) to your instructor explaining who the new audience/reader is and how you kept the audience/reader in mind while writing. Be specific and use examples from what you wrote. Your note should include a discussion of word choice (discuss a specific word–what alternative words did you consider? Why is your word the right word–think about the impact word choice has on the audience in the given context). In addition to a discussion about at least one word choice, your note should also discuss how your audience impacted some of the following:
    • Language (vocabulary, evaluative/emotive language, colloquialisms/cliches, etc.)
    • Formality
    • Tone
    • Use of humor
    • Content (your original text might have been longer or shorter–how did you decide what to include in your rewrite?)

Academic Integrity

This is a unique assignment in that you are being asked to interpret an existing piece of writing for a new audience. You will give credit to the original by including a link, picture, or attachment to it. For this unique assignment, you may use words, phrases, and ideas from the original. Usually, you should give credit every time you use someone else’s words, phrases, and ideas. For this assignment, we will rely solely on the link, picture, or attachment for credit with the understanding that this is a valuable exercise in writing with audience in mind. Please contact your instructor with any questions!