Writing Homework Help

Miami Dade College The Strength of Black Women in Home Essay


https://www.pdfread.net/ebook/home-toni-morrison/  ( open the link and press where it say read online)

  1. Before you even attempt to write your literary analysis essay I need to approve your essay topic. Therefore, you will write a 500 proposal that explains what you want to write about in reference the the novel  Home by Toni Morrison. Your proposal must:
    • explain the issue or theme within the novel Home that your essay will focus on
    • explain the approach (i.e. scene(s), chapter(s), character(s), or conflict in the novel Home you will explore)
    • include two scholarly articles cited in the text and at the end in the Works Cited page 
    • briefly explain how the articles you chose will help you explore your theme more in depth (e.g. Smith’s article explains that adolescent males tend to take more risk and see the word in an idealistic way. Smith’s insights may help explain why Fonny in If Beal Street Could Talk decides to go to Harlem and why he ends up in jail for a crime he did not commit).
    • You will end the proposal with your tentative thesis statement/main argument you want to prove in your essay. Please see the sample proposal below ( the word is a example of proposal)
  2. The other three word is my resume about the novel 
  3. For the essay you need to choice  between racisms, activism or sexism what you prefer to talk about and then the scene or character that you like