Writing Homework Help

George Mason University Disparities in Health and Health Care Powerpoint


You will focus on maternal and child health in the U.S. and why other countries have better outcomes in comparison to the U.S. State the problem and describe a solution that will work in the U.S. Your audience is a group of women ages 20 to 40 living in America. Educate them on how they can bring about change.

Your presentation must include ten slides not counting the title and reference slide.

New 11-Country Study: U.S. Health Care System Has Widest Gap Between People With Higher and Lower Incomes

Maternal and Child Health

Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health Program

What Is the Status of Women’s Health and Health Care in the U.S. Compared to Ten Other Countries?

Global Health Observatory (GHO) Data: Maternal and Reproductive Health

-RECOMMEND that you dig deep and look at state programs, national initiatives and local initiatives that are SPECIFIC in addressing this issue.

–Look at NEW MEXICO’s amazing results with rural health and midwives (some best results in the country), look at CALIFORNIA’s hemorrhage saving protocols now adopted,

and amazing results, Look at MAMA TOTO village in DC at their use of community health maternal health workers built out of the community and role of doula’s.

–Why do black women in America have a four times greater risk of dying from child birth in 2021?

–Think about not only mortality but morbidity; think about the behavioral health risks associated with post -partum outcomes and access…

and how Social Determinants of Health factor in.