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Alexian Brothers Health System Important Components of Research Project Discussion


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The essential components in a research project are “title page, abstract, introduction, review of literature, methods results, discussion or conclusions, and references” (Sheperis et al., 2017). According to the publication Manuel of American Psychological Association, the title should consist of 10-12 Words(Sheperis et al., 2017). The research title is also most beneficial and impactful if the title is informative and catchy (Sheperis et al., 2017). Providing independent and dependent variables, the population of the study, the design, and clues to the study’s outcome determines the research’s authenticity and credibility (Sheperis et al., 2017). The abstract gives the reader a brief thorough synopsis of the article (Sheperis et al., 2017). It is most read and determines whether a reader will read the research paper in its entirety. The abstract only should be 120 words or less and represents sections of the introduction, methods, results, and conclusions. However, additional unmentioned information is not permissible in the research.

Other components of the research paper, such as the introduction, “guide the readers through the contextual terrain of relevant research, and point the way toward the researcher’s strategy for addressing the problem” (Sheperis et al., 2017, p. 346). The framework of the introduction includes a statement of the problem, a brief outline of similar research and theoretical findings, and a list of research questions and hypotheses (Sheperis et al., 2017). The researcher determines the statement of the problem. However, the current standard of knowledge describes its relevance to the investigation. In comparison, the overview of relevant research shows how the actual study will support the research.

A brief, thorough description of what others say about previously studied methodological variables: after completing the framework, wording specific research questions, and developing hypotheses to help the researcher focus on the true purpose of the research (Sheperis et al., 2017). The method section provides instructions for how to conduct the investigation. In comparison, instruments or measures organize the validity of the study. In addition, research design, procedures, results, and discussion concludes the components of a research paper and gives an overall strategy of research delivery, detailed, step-by-step guide to how the researcher conducted, presentation of actual study findings, along with opportunities to conclude research (Sheperis et al., 2017). Finally, references are vital to any research paper because they credit other researchers and writers who help validate your work.


Sheperis, C., Young, J. S., & Daniels, M. H. (2017). Counseling research: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. Pearson.

Post 2 (response is needed)

The title page is essential as it contains the research title that is the topic of study. It must first be determined as it guides the final blueprint and destination of the research. It states what the researcher wants to study, and with that, they can generate the statement of the problem, which describes the problems that the study has addressed. It addresses the current gaps in the field of knowledge concerning that particular research topic that prompts more research. It must also have a table of contents as it guides on the page specific content, making it easy to retrieve. It must also have an abstract that gives a summary of the entire research project.

Literature Review is another important component in a research project which gives an insight into what other researchers have said concerning the topic of study, the theories that have been developed addressing this research topic, and what they are all about. One can know what has been done before and the methods used in their research. It guides the researcher to know what has worked and what has not concerning the study topic, which will help them know what to apply in their research.

Research designs and methods of data collection must be explained in the research project. It explains to the reader approaches applied in the research and how they were applied in that given research. Additionally, the researcher explains the methods and tools they applied to collect their data in that given research. The study’s findings are also to be included as they explain the research results and whether the desired outcomes were achieved in relation to the research questions, and finally, what worked and what didn’t.

Another element is the conclusion and recommendations whereby the researcher summarizes their findings, how they can be applied, and suggests areas that need some improvements at present and in the future. It is in relation to the constraints that were realized during the study. Additionally, a research project must include citations and references to show the source used in the research project. It demonstrates that you conducted adequate preparatory study to ensure that your project would complement, rather than duplicate, past research efforts.