Writing Homework Help

University of Northampton Week 1 to 4 Introduction to Social Work Questions


  1. week 1
  2. You have each completed the values grid activity. Tell us what it was like doing the activity and share your MOST important value and LEAST important value with the class. What did you learn from doing this activity?
  3. There is the well-known story about Hans and his wife. Hans’ wife has an illness that requires expensive medication that they cannot afford. Hans has to make a decision. Should he steal the medicine to help his wife live OR should he let her die because he should not steal???????
  4. What would YOU do and why?????? This is an ethical conflict! Social workers encounter various ethical dilemmas in practice. This is just to get you thinking!
  5. What is one important lesson you learned from listening to the Podcast?
  6. What stands out to you from the preamble of the Code of Ethics?

week 2

Based upon what you have read in this chapter, are you interested in working in Child Welfare? Why or why not?

Do you think the Child Welfare “system” works? Why or why not?

After listening to PODCAST #7 from Doin’ the Work, tell us what you think about what Martin Rafferty is doing with youth and what sounds most innovative to you.

week 3

  1. What are some of the main challenges facing older people in the US society? How do social workers help?
  2. What effect is the rapid growth of the older population in the US likely to have on public policy and social work practice?
  3. What do you think about the videos and articles exploring different ways to live?

answer the question write weekly