Writing Homework Help

UCLA Audience Profile and Rough Outline Essay


Audience Profile

Using your focused topic and the research you did for the annotated bibliography, write a brief description of at least two different audience groups: (1) people who are impacted by this issue (2) people who can do something about this issue. Describe why these groups will care about this topic. List what information you will curate for them to read and why they will need this information. Include a heading and either a list or prose paragraphs that discuss possible forms of communication that will be most effective for various audiences (review week 3 content marketing examples (Links to an external site.) and week 7 choosing the right form of communication (Links to an external site.)).

Rough Outline

With your audience profile, draft a rough outline (see DeSilva et al, chapter 7 “Outlines” (Links to an external site.)) to organize your information and identify how to move a project forward.

As you begin to outline your report:

Include a short descriptive abstract or executive summary (Links to an external site.) in prose.

Indicate main idea/thesis.

Name and number the major sections of the report at the left margin.

Include any major section headings you would use to structure a technical report.

Add details for each section underneath the major section. Write in complete phrases and/or prose sentences.

Indent the details related to each section underneath the names of major sections.

Alternate between numbers and letters to indicate different levels: I. A. 1. a. 1) a.

Incorporate in-text citations with a sentence of analysis or observation as to why that citation or quotations is useful.

Review the Typical Ethics Issues in Technical Writing (Links to an external site.) to be sure that your outline does not incorporate dishonest bias or incorrect information.

Identify your sources and provide a full bibliographic citation for each (choose one citation style and be consistent).

  • Include any questions generated by your research and the outline.