Writing Homework Help

NYS Safe Act Gun Reform Policy Models Discussion


This is the group assignment, please have a maximum of 200-word count. Also, below are tips provided by the teacher for this course. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you kindly!

Current Public Policy Analysis Part II and Presentation

  • NYS Safe Act Gun Reform is the topic.
  • Use      policy models and methods of analyses covered in the course to develop the      new policy.

Include at least one academic references including one from the library.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Tips to be successful

A few things I look for that will enhance your scores on the papers: 1) Paragraph Structure: ensure that your paragraphs are not overly wordy, meaning each of these should not be more than five to six sentences long max. On the flip side, one to two sentences are not a full paragraph. At least a three sentence minimum should be followed. Optimal paragraph size is five sentences, then, start a new one. 2) Use of paragraph topic headers: Use the key concepts and assignment questions from each of the assignment instructions as topic headers for your paragraphs. By doing so, this will enable your paper to flow well and ensure that you have not left any required content out. 3) You must meet the word count minimums. Title pages and references don’t count towards the minimums. There is no penalty for exceeding the word count maximums. If you have any questions about any of these areas just let me know. I look forward to working with you all.