Writing Homework Help

Park University Wk 4 Google Company Employee Value Proposition Paper


  1. Select an organization, either where you work, or one you are interested in, AND have not used in past course research and/or papers.
  2. Identify the Organization’s Employee Value Proposition. (Watch the following video for an example of an EVP @ Dell):
  3. After identifying the Employee Value Proposition, select a job within the organization, and do the following:
    • 1-Evaluate whether you think the EVP is effective. Use ‘How to Develop an Employer Value Proposition’ on page 256-257 as a guide.
    • 2-Identify how you would market the organization and the job to job seekers, include a short (phrase to a sentence or two) recruitment message.
    • 3-Identify where the organization is sourcing for current job seekers. If unable to determine, discuss where they would source job seekers. Do you have any other recommendations for where to source applicants?
    • 4-What metrics would you recommend using to measure the efficacy of the recruitment message?