Writing Homework Help

CU Boulder Police Brutality With Police Invention In US Questions


  1. General Format and Presentation
  2. The paper’s title, your name, the course number, and the date should appear on a separate first page.
  3. Number the pages so your instructor can refer to them.
  4. The paper must be 10-12 pages (excluding bibliography)
  5. Make sure your paper has footnotes (at the bottom of the page)
  6. Make sure you attach your bibliography to the end of the paper.
  7. Type your papers double-spaced, with margins of standard width (usually 1 inch on the sides and bottom and 1 ½ inch on the top). Use standard fonts. Professors are fully aware that different fonts may be used to make a paper seem larger or smaller than it really is. Also, exotic fonts may be hard to read and grade.
  8. Indent the start of each paragraph 5 spaces from the left margin.
  9. Proofread your paper carefully for spelling and typing mistakes. A sloppy paper distracts attention from what you are saying and makes the reader wonder if your preparation for the paper and your thinking were careless too. If your word-processor has a spell-checker, use it, but remember that it will not catch typos that happen to be words (e.g., “marital” vs. “martial”).
  10. Staple your paper together (not paper clips or folded at one corner).
  11. Keep a copy of your paper, either on disk or photocopied.
  12. Structure and Organization
    1. Title: Make sure to have good title for your paper. A good title is important to catch the attention of your readers. A title that surprises or/ and intrigues is sure to get noticed.

    1. Good introduction. Make sure to write a good introduction that catches the attention of your readers. One of the best ways to draw your reader’s attention is to introduce an element of surprise, intrigue, or provocation in the way you start your paper. You can start with an anecdote or citation.
    1. Historiography

    Summarize your thoughts on this subject in a few paragraphs under the heading “historiography.” You don’t want to reproduce all that you write in the historiography paper. There would not be enough space for it in the final paper.

    1. One paragraph on what primary sources you are using for the paper

    1. Divide paper in sections based on the arguments you will make. Present your information and develops your analysis and argument. Make sure you have a lot of citation from your primary sources.

    1. The conclusion pulls together the main points, reasserts the thesis, and may relate the topic back to wider historical issues. It is important to have the conclusion as a separate section at the end of the paper. You should take this opportunity to reaffirm the main claims and contribution of your paper. It is time for you to tell your readers that you have accomplished what you set out to do. It is also a good time to say a few words about the significance of your contribution and claim.