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CU Psychology Hurricane Ida Analysis using Hills ABC X Module of Crisis Paper


Paper details:

Crisis comes in various forms. For example, situational crisis relates to natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and school shootings and homicide. These and other related events can cause distress for not only theindividual but for families and the community as well.   The concept of crisis is defined as a temporary state of disorganization and functioning mainly characterized by an individual’s inability to cope with a particular situation. There are three elements that must be present in order

for a situation to be considered a crisis: a precipitating event, a perception of the event that leads to subjective distress, and a lack of coping techniques  and resources which can lead to diminished functioning.


1- Find an example of a recent (less than 6 months ago) crisis and give a brief summary of the basic facts (the “who, what, where, when, and how& quot it happened). Supply a link to the information. (Hurricane Ida in Indiana or back to school after Covid 19).

2- Then apply Hill’s ABC-X Module of Crisis within this situation.

3- Give at least two examples of resources that you would recommend

for the victims of this crisis.

4- 250 words minimum. Provide APA formatted reference information.

(A) The crisis, event, or stressor. (B)The family’s resources. (C) The perception or meaning the family attaches to the stressor. (X) A state of disequilibrium and immobilization of the family or outcome.