Writing Homework Help

SCC Money and Success Discussion


Please make sure to read Essay writing instructions because I will not ask “Where is your thesis?” I’ll just send the essay back. Every point I made about paragraphs, intro, thesis, grammar needs to be adhered to. There is no word, page requirement–only well-supported content with proper citing. However, the essay is usually 4-5 pages in length. It could be longer but try to stay within those 4-5 pages by being direct and no repetition.

the reading matirals are following:

“From Ragged Dick” Alger

“Serving in Florida” Ehrenreich

“Class in America” Mantsios

“Have-Mores & Have-Lesses” Barlett/Steele

“Framing Class, Vicarious Living, and Conspicuous Consumption” Kendall

“From the Great Divergence Noah

“The Lesson” Bambara