Writing Homework Help

WST 100 ASU American Gender Socialization Through the Toys Essay


Please make sure to write on both prompts and follow the instructions below

Basic requirements:

  • Your paper must be formatted in either APA style.
  • Each paper must be a minimum of three pages (750 words) in length (it can be longer, however!) Use Times New Roman font, size 12, with normal margins and double spacing.
  • Each paper must also have a properly formatted reference page (which does NOT count toward the page minimum).
  • All papers must reference at least one high-quality source. (NOTE: Wikipedia does NOT qualify as an academic source. Sources that DO count may include: the course readings, the course lectures, scholarly journal articles and books that you find through the library, articles from national news organizations, documentary films, etc.)
  • Structure your paper as a formal academic research paper (i.e. begin with an introductory paragraph which contains a strong thesis, introduce each new topic in the paragraphs which follow and support each topic with evidence, and then clearly conclude your arguments in a final paragraph).
  • If you need help with formatting, please refer to the OWL at Purdue:https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/
  • PROMPT 1:

    How can we observe American gender socialization through the toys which we give to children?

    • Take a trip to a local toy store (or visit one online) and analyze the messages which are communicated through the store’s layout, branding, toy selection, packaging, etc. I find that “mega” toy store aisles (i.e. Walmart or Target) work particularly well for “field research”.
    • I recommend using the “research worksheet” that I have developed. The worksheet offers some guiding questions to help get you started with your analysis (you will not be submitting the worksheet; it is for your personal use only).
    • Once you have completed your investigation, you will write a short paper response. Your paper should be at least 500 words in length and be written in narrative form. That is, address the questions asked on the worksheet (but don’t just turn in a bulleted form of the worksheet—remember, you are writing a paper!).
    • Be sure to use any critical terms covered in your assigned readings and this week’s lecture, and remember to cite at least one course source (and to add a reference for it on your Works Cited page).
    • Your questions to consider: What messages are inherent in boys and girls toys? What do they teach about masculinity and femininity? Look at marketing, color schemes, types of toys promoted to boys and girls for your analysis.

      PROMPT 2:

      Do you think that gender roles are still relevant in American culture? If so, how and to what degree? If not, why not? Do you think that we should move toward a “gender neutral” society, or do you think that we should maintain gender norms? Give concrete examples to support your “original” argument, as well as in your response to your classmate. I encourage you to use examples from both your personal life, from the cultural sources around, AND from things we have covered in class (readings and lecture).

      NOTE: don’t feel that you necessarily have to make an either/or argument here. Remember that binary thinking is the default way of organizing information in our society, but it may not always accurately reflect reality. Take a moment to think critically about what you really observe and experience as a member of our society.