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History Detective First Gay President of The United States Research Paper


History isn’t always what it seems, and sometimes it’s downright a mystery! A History Detective is someone who looks at people or events from the past, evaluates clues and evidence, and learns the truth of who people really were and what really happened. The further back in the past we look, the harder it is to find the clues. History is filled with unsolved mysteries and urban legends. For this assignment, students will choose a mystery or myth to investigate, seek out and analyze sources, develop a theory as to what happened in the mysterious historical event, and support their theory with evidence from their research. Your task in this research project is to choose one of those mysteries from the list provided and present a plausible theory to explain it. You can research a variety of primary and secondary sources to uncover possible theories and the clues to support your theory. Primary sources were written or created at the same time as the event in question (person saw firsthand the event in question); secondary sources are at least one step removed from the event in question (person whom created the source did not personally witness the event) and usually present some sort of interpretation or analysis of primary source and/or secondary source materials. After you conclude your research, you will create a “Case File” that includes: an outline, that includes background on the mystery and the most plausible theory, a completed History Detective worksheet, and a work cited page that includes the sources used as evidence to back up your theory.

NCHS National History Standards

Historical Thinking Standards
2A: Identify the author or source of the historical document or narrative
2B: Reconstruct the literal meaning of a historical passage
3E: Compare different stories about a historical figure, era, or event
3G: Consider multiple perspectives
4B: Obtain historical data from a variety of sources
4C: Interrogate historical data
5F: Identify the solution chosen by characters in the story or in the
historical situation

Historical Content Standards
4E: The student understands national symbols through which American
values and principles are expressed.

Historical Thinking Standards
2A: Identify the author or source of the historical document or narrative.
2B: Reconstruct the literal meaning of a historical passage.
2F: Appreciate historical perspectives.
3B: Consider multiple perspectives.
3F: Compare competing historical narratives.
4D: Identify the gaps in the available records, marshal contextual knowledge
and perspectives of the time and place.
5A: Identify issues and problems in the past.

Points to consider while doing your own research…

  • What tools can you use when investigating a historical event? What processes?
  • What makes one clue more trustworthy than another?
  • How can you reach a conclusion when you have more than one plausible explanation for an event?
  • What do you do when there are no definitive answers? Does this mean an investigation was a failure?

Students will investigate ONE myth, legend, fact, or conspiracy from the list provided. You will use the worksheet provided to guide you during your research. Each student will ask and answer three questions about a chosen topic and complete the worksheet. Students will also include a work cited page of sources used during their research process. You will submit to the dropbox 3 things: a summary of your selection (brief 1-2 page explanation), your completed worksheet, and a work cited page. This assignment is due September 30th.