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Capella University Program Design Riverbend City Analysis


Establishing the Research Basis for Program Design-Riverbend City Must Address Food Insecurity in Ruby Lake

Your assignments in this course will be based on an issue you choose to address from the scenario in the Riverbend City: Examining the Ruby Lake Community multimedia presentation. The assignments build toward a program proposal based on the issue of your choice. You will utilize the work you complete in each assignment to create your final program proposal, beginning with this first assignment.

For this assignment, complete the following:

  1. After reviewing the multimedia piece in the Studies for this unit, select and describe one of the issues evident in the community portrayed in the media piece. The problem you select should be one you would like to address by developing a new program.
  2. Select a methodological approach (evidence-based practice, emerging practice, empirically guided practice, best practice, or research-based practice, as described on pages 82–86 of your Program Development in the 21st Century textbook) for your future program design. Explain why you think this would be the best theoretical approach for your envisioned program development.
  3. Develop a needs assessment based on the steps listed on page 38 of your Program Development in the 21st Century textbook. In your needs assessment, include:
    • An assessment of the demographic characteristics of the community.
    • An analysis of a problem or problems.
    • An analysis of existing treatment and service providers in the region.
    • An identification of needs.
    • An inventory of assets.
  4. Based on the identified needs and discussion activities, analyze critical ethical and cultural considerations that will guide your program design.


Discussion 2

The needs assessment refers to the criteria used by communities, groups of individuals, professionals, or agencies to create priorities, initiate changes, and distribute resources. It, thus, involves establishing the gaps, also needs, where a community will find itself in the coming days or years. In the Ruby Lake community, food insecurity is a significant gap affecting members of this community. Here, the poverty rate is 31.3 percent, with 69.2% households below 165% of the poverty rate. When compared to senior citizens, the child poverty rate is high in this community, currently standing at 44.7 percent. As illustrated in scene 4, 74% of children in this sprawling community are on a free lunch program. From the different perspectives on need discussed in class, the normative need approach is best suited in this situation.

In particular, the normative need is defined as the existence of standards. When a concept of need is added, the existence of some standard is often established by a general accord against which the quality of a scenario is measured. A professional working within this approach will not gather new data but will use the existing data. For instance, interviews from a few people remain vital in establishing this need. The commentary from Joyce, the Food Shelf Director, provides essential insights on food insecurity in this area. According to Briggs, L., & Huang, Y. (2016) it mentions that “Mapping can be used to plan interventions based on the location of at-risk populations (Briggs, L., & Huang, Y., 2016. Pg.195). As you see in Ruby Lake the director urges that her organization serves nearly 20 percent of individuals in this community (Wearing, 2009). Besides, she asserts that there are more individuals who might rely on the agency’s services but are either ashamed to speak or do not wish to reveal their income levels.


Briggs, L., & Huang, Y. (2016). Asset-based community maps: A tool for expanding resources in community health programs. Pedagogy in Health Promotion, 3(3) 195–201

Wearing, A. (2009). Designing and Managing Programs: An Effectiveness-based Approach [Book Review]. Evaluation Journal of Australasia, 9(1), 61.