Writing Homework Help

COM 3131 Keiser University Tampa Response to Instructor Paper


I think it might be interesting for us to consider the term “politicking.” Workplace politics is an interesting concept in its own, with a history of research and understanding. Below is a list of some definitions of this concept that I would like for you to look at:

As we can see, these definitions are quite divisive – some are more positive and some are more negative. How does the use of language in these definitions depict these connotations? And what do you think are implications of using a specific “emotionally-directive” language to define something? The image with the definitions will not copy over. I just need a response in about 3-4 sentences about this topic. This is the link https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=http%3A%2F%2Flup.lub.lu.se%2Fstudent-papers%2Frecord%2F8982984%2Ffile%2F8983099.pdf&psig=AOvVaw2CTW54_67py4PtwtjhPlyy&ust=1620056293283000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=2ahUKEwib8qSQqqvwAhWMh1MKHfzKD88Qr4kDegUIARC2AQ

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