Writing Homework Help

Santa Monica College Meno and Socrates Problem of Inquiry Analysis Paper


Read a newspaper article from a reasonably reputable news outlet having to do with a topic relevant to our course material, and apply the skills we’ve developed over the course of the semester.

Explain in three or four paragraphs (no more than two pages) a) the article you read, b) the main arguments or points within it, and c) your evaluation of those arguments or points. Materials used: Meno and Socrates’ problem of inquiry, the notion of knowledge as true judgement with an account, from the assigned excerpt of Plato’s Theaetetus, Chinese Room argument from the assigned Searle excerpt, explain the difference between a (mere) sum and a whole, from the assigned excerpt of Plato’s Theaetetus, Churchland’s arguments against Folk Psychology or in favor of his Eliminative Materialism, explain Hill Collin’s conception of positivism and show how it is exemplified in one, small part of a previously assigned reading of ours. Please let me know what topic and article you use. I can send you the readings once you choose the topic, and I want to make sure the news article is reputable just in case. Thank you 🙂