Writing Homework Help

Carrington College Maslow Hierarchy of Need Discussion


Describe three examples of how communication that you have experienced in the past has filled each of the six needs (the five needs in Maslow’s hierarchy, plus the sixth need of interacting in a socially diverse world). Use terminology from the text in your response.

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Joshua –

My brother-in-law, Robert, recently became a father to an adorable son named Carlos. When my wife and I were asked to be his godparents, we promptly accepted. A few weeks ago, we were visiting with Robert and my new godson. Carlos had finally fallen asleep and we were all chatting around the kitchen table. Danielle, Robert’s fiance, was about to serve us an appetizer when the dish fell from her hand and shattered on the floor. Immediately, Carlos began crying. I was taught many years ago that people are born with two fears: the fear of being dropped and the fear of loud noises. The fear of loud noises, I was told, is directly related to the baby sensing he/she is in danger. In this example, Carlos crying (communicating) after hearing the loud noise because he felt he was in danger is categorized in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs under “Safety and Protection Needs”. A short while later, Carlos began crying again. This time, it was to alert us that he was hungry, an example of him communicating “Physical Needs”.

My stepdaughter, Mya, turned 16 in August. As you would expect, she is in a pretty serious relationship with social media. We recently went to a Pitbull concert and she made a comment about posting a picture at the concert to get clout. Her desire to be valued and respected by others helped meet her “Self-Esteem Needs”. She also indicated she was excited to post a picture at the concert because some of her friends were going and she didn’t want to feel left out. All of us want to feel that we fit in, which is categorized under “Belonging Needs”.
Over the last couple of years, I have thought extensively about my life. I have a wonderful family and we are very stable financially. I enjoy my line of work, perform at a high level, and am paid very well. However, I have always felt that I should have done more with my life. After my brother was diagnosed with lung cancer, I found myself trying to learn everything I could about his condition so I could help him. This brought me to the realization that I wanted to continue my education so that I could help people. Despite the fact that I was not necessarily unsatisfied with my job, I wanted to continue growing. My brother inspired and encouraged me to pursue nursing, an example of “Self-Actualization Needs”. After my brother passed, 51 years young, I met so many different people while in Texas for his funeral. He had friends of all different colors and backgrounds. My brother was an extremely intelligent individual who could basically talk to anybody about anything, a quality I realized was a product of participating effectively in a diverse society.