Writing Homework Help

Family Presence During Trauma Activations Discussion


I’m working on a nursing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Give a brief summary of the article attached and Just answer the questions below using APA and at lease 1 intext citation 

Validity Part One:
Was internal evidence used to describe the clinical issue?
Was the search methodology for supporting evidence clearly described?
Were the main findings of the search for evidence summarized?
Validity Part Two:
Was this a well-done project?
Did the project flow from the evidence synthesis (implementation, outcome measurements, etc.)?
Was the implementation protocol sufficiently detailed to provide for replication among project participants?
Was communciation and education between stakeholders and participants clearly defined?
Can you learn from or implement the project results?
Was the data collected with sufficient rigor to be reliable for like groups to those participants of the project?
Were the results clinically meaningful?
Is the project useful for your patients?
How feasible is the project protocol?
Is project implementation safe?
Based on your review of the article, do you think the evidence found in this project should be implemented with confidence, caution, or extreme caution?
What is your reaction to this project and its findings?