Writing Homework Help

Texas Tech University Mental Health Issues in the Music Industry Essay


Mental Health Issues in the Music Industry. APA style. 600-800 words. 2-3 sentences per paragraph. 

Key issues:

Economic factors: instability, culture: judgement of quality and whether or not successful, social: impact of work, family-life, balancing, female musicians and their abuse in the workplace

“Making music is therapeutic, making a music career is torturous”

Practicing working with their emotions–emotional labor

Post pandemic huge impact of everyone

Lack of mental health resources–told not to express emotions growing up

Lockdown has highlighted challenges we already knew, maintaining emotional wellbeing

EVERYONE in the industry–including producers, managers, etc.

EDM– is a passion, unhelpful working conditions, pressurised environment, access to drugs and alcohol

Industry commodified trauma to generate revenue

Remove the industry and work on the healing

What can individuals do?

Acknowledge that it’s an issue

Organizations and labels slowly acknowledging and accommodating artists

Labels are forced to make change

Always mechanisms in place to allow musicians

Keep the conversations flowing!!

Strip away the money, funding orgs to provide support

Impact of social media can portray a certain way–authenticity in the virtual world

Learning to modulate the come down

Authenticity we want to see- not true authenticity

Setting boundaries