Writing Homework Help

WPI Effects of Climate Change on Global Food Security Paper


Some ideas of the types of questions you might try to answer and material you might want to include. These are just suggestions. Only consider the ones that apply and by no means do I expect you to include all of these:

1. Get Background and history on the topic you choose

     Key dates

     Key people

     Key events

     How did it start

2. What is the current situation with regards to the topic you chose?

3. Using two or three of the methodologies we discussed (i.e. economics, geography, etc.) define a set of questions that help us understand the    topic and to the best you can, answer these questions. It is fine to leave some of them unanswered, just indicating that they would further our understanding or resolution of the situation.

4. Why is this relevant today? In other words, why did you choose it?5. What are some of the proposed solutions or outcomes?

6. In what way does this topic impact us in the United States (or does it?) and in what ways are other countries affected?

7. Who are most impacted by this topic?

8. Are international organizations involved (i.e The United Nations, The World Bank)? If so, which ones and what are their roles or positions.