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Daemen College Module 2 Platonic and Aristotelian Philosophical Systems Paper


Module 2: Scholasticism & Aquinas

In this Module, we will be look at how the Platonic and Aristotelian philosophical systems are taken up as the dominant philosophical traditions within Christian philosophy and theology. Part of this will be a brief historical overview of how that comes to be the case, especially through the development of Christian thought and in the preservation of philosophical texts by Islamic culture. The other part will be an examination of the sort of three stages of development in this period: 1) The question of whether Platonic or Aristotelian philosophy will be the dominant voice of Christian philosophical thinking 2) The answer to that question in the work of Thomas Aquinas who decidedly rules in favor or Aristotle 3) The continued question of whether to interpret these claims in terms of realism or nominalism. Finally, we will be offering an examination of selections from Thomas’ Summa in order to understand how and why his work becomes the seminal text of Christian philosophical and theological thought.


In this class you are being asked to write a Research Paper with the following prompt:

Write a 2,000-2,500 word paper according to APA guidelines addressing one of the three major areas of investigation in this course: The Nature of the Universe and/or the Existence of God (metaphysics), The Nature and Value of Knowledge (epistemology), or The Good Life and the Good Society (ethics). Compare two or three philosophers (only one from each unit), providing a philosophical and historical overview of the topic.

What you are being asked to do here is simply to write a Research Proposal offering a summary of the paper that you plan on writing. The overall goal of this assignment is not a complete project. Instead, it is about giving as complete of an idea/plan as you can at this juncture. That way the instructor can review, comment on, and offer suggestions for your upcoming submissions and project.

A review of the complete Research Paper assignment is strongly encouraged before the completion of this proposal.

Expanded Prompt:

  • Pick one of the three topics: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics.
  • Pick two philosophers directly covered in this course.
  • Write 250-500 words on how you intend to address the selected topic using the philosophers you have selected.
  • Provide an APA works cited page for all sources you intend/are considering using for this paper for review.


  • Must meet the word count requirement.
  • Must respond directly to the prompt.
  • Must be in APA format.
  • Must have a reference page.


  • Since the goal of this submission is review of progress, this assignment will be graded on a pass/fail basis. Complete Research Proposals will receive a passing grade of 11. Incomplete, late, or inadequate Research Proposals will receive a failing grade of 0.



Read: Plato, The Republic and Other Works.

Euthyphro,” pp. 425-443

Read: Plato, The Republic.

Books II, IV, VI, VII, and VIII,

pp. 41-70, 108-137, 174-263

Read: Aristotle, Introductory Readings.

Physics: i 1, 7-8; ii; vi 9; viii 5-6, 8.

pp. 36-68

Metaphysics: i 1-2; v 7-8; vii 1-4, 6, 10-11,13, 15-17; viii 1-3; ix 1-2, 5, 6, 7.

pp. 115-120, 147-186